Astro Forecast 10.1.24: A Solar Eclipse in Libra Wants Justice
Venus is challenging structural imbalance at home and around the globe, sparking transformation that might begin with a whimper and end with a bang.

What is happening?!
In parts of the world, which is essentially a space rock behaving like a slow, overweight Dervish in an unknowable abyss dotted with other space rocks, deciduous leaves are gently browning like cut apples and the light of the sun is backing away from us slowly, with his hands up, as though he never meant to enter our consciousness in the first place. Hell, the sun may not have ever wanted to be anywhere near human beings, not even in a ‘giver of life’ sense, but that’s the universe for you. Even G-type, main sequence stars end up doing shit they don’t want to.
In other parts of the world, the sun seems to have retracted his influence entirely, leaving us with infrared, night vision goggles through which darkness is illuminated by the spark showers of intermittent rockets. Only fire, screaming, and the rumbling of earth ever follow. In yet other parts of the world, the sun’s activities, visible or otherwise, go entirely unnoticed as neighbors recover from flooding, corporate pollution, and the devastation of normalcy. Above the chaos and tragedy that define humanity, the planets chug along, unmoved and undeterred, like a bunch of total assholes.
Our reluctant sun ingressed into Libra on Sunday, September twenty-second, marking the autumnal equinox and what is often symbolically referred to as a ‘descent into the underworld’, which sounds like something corporate goths would paint in old timey letters on the door of their overpriced vampire club. Unfortunately, our 2024 descent toward winter feels far less whimsical than drinking red wine out of I.V. bags - why bother, after all, when we have real blood to deal with in the form of war, illness, and massive structural failures. In our practical lives, the underworld has been given many names since people crawled out of the ooze and noticed things they liked (light) and things they didn’t (dark, being eaten by animals in the dark). Skimming through all of humanity’s spiritual iterations will present the same conclusion; whether we wish to label the polarities that drive mankind heaven and hell, yin and yang, or paradise and the pits of Tartarus, it is all one big projection of our frail, human mortality.
If Virgo season forced us to examine the routines and responsibilities that keep us, as individuals, alive, healthy, and happy, then Libra season asks us to look at our relationships and other emotional interactions with identical scrutiny. Why, for instance, are we keeping certain people in our lives if we have abandoned a place of mutual trust and respect? Is there a natural ending to relationships that no longer serve us? Are we engaged in partnership according to our own parameters, or did we simply follow an unexamined status quo and assume it would automatically lead to fulfillment? Is that why so much friction, screaming, and blood has taken over our discourse, our homes, and our lives?
These are the kinds of super irritating, open ended questions that the sign of the scales is pushing to the forefront of our collective psyche, and we can expect a LOT of interpersonal conversation and drama throughout October due to the looming shadow of the solar eclipse in Libra. This Venus-ruled lunation is serious about examining partner dynamics in both a macro and micro context; while we evaluate our relationships with friends and lovers, we are also being asked to evaluate collective relationships, i.e governments and the governed, labor and capital, men and women, technology and philosophy. These are concepts that shouldn’t exist in tense polarity; in an ideal world, they are complimentary - symbiotic, even. Clearly, though, we are out of balance, so this Libra moon is going to force us into an unsettling exploration of the shadows that seeded this fraught moment. She is telling us to look for something important that has been hidden when she blinds the authority of the sun with her body.
Why would this affect me?
The massive scale of Libra feels as though it is weighing our entire globe against humankind’s tendency toward greed and war, considering the sheer number of quasi-existential events unfolding simultaneously. Between Covid-19, poverty, natural disasters, and government dereliction of duty, finding a person who exists in a completely zen, unbothered state would mean someone who:
-has never gotten sick with Covid-19 or had friends or family die
-has not struggled to pay rent despite working a full-time job
-has not become part of a growing homeless population
-has not been denied an abortion or had to help someone they know get an abortion
-is not Palestinian and/or has no family in Palestine, Israel, or Lebanon
-does not live in a flood/tornado/hurricane/earthquake zone
-has not been shot or beaten, or had a family member/friend get shot or beaten by police officers during protests, traffic stops, or existing while black
The above points are by no means a comprehensive list, but I think we all get the idea, which is that it’s getting harder and harder to find anyone unaffected by what, I’ll be honest, kiiiinda feels like empire collapse. This chaos is one fraction of the United States is experiencing it’s Pluto return, and the very last degree of Capricorn will host our transformative, destructive little dwarf planet until the close of November, indicating that we have another two whole months, at least, of everything feeling insane. Pluto is Hades, so we naturally have to die before we learn the lessons of the underworld by submitting ourselves to judgement. Even Zeus, the god whose bloated, purplish avatar planet grants us expansion, idealism, and fortune does not control Hades, nor rule him in any way, because there is no defense against the inevitability of visiting the underworld. Everything experiences death.
You might be thinking, what the fuck, Cranky? We were talking about the eclipse, not pontificating on Pluto! What is happening with this eclipse?! Well, Pluto has a stake in this eclipse through Venus, who rules the sign of Libra…and Venus is currently slithering through Scorpio. In Hellenistic astrology, outer planets do not have rulership, yet Scorpio and Pluto retain such strong affinity that it isn’t a leap to say there will be Plutonian undertones during this lunation. All new and full moons exert the associative effects of their sign’s ruling planet; in this case, a solar eclipse in Libra will be ruled by a Venus in plutonian Scorpio, so we can expect dramatic, phoenix-like transformations, endings that beget destruction before regeneration.
Venus and Pluto together can take this destruction to a variety of places, but the big three that everyone should be watching are relationships, justice, and money. Domestic issues and disruptions at home are certainly possible, as well as the severance of partnerships, given the ancient Mars rulership of Scorpio. Ideas or conflicts within the legal system could be on the horizon for many of us, as well as a significant transformation of personal and collective finances. Although new moons are traditionally generative, eclipses tend throw things into chaos and muddy intention, marking this Libra moment as a gentle beginning to what I suspect will be a rough ending once the shadows clear.
When do I have to deal with this?
An astrologer with whom I study, Adam Elenbass, pointed out the exponential significance of the lunar transits during this absolutely batshit October, and it’s easy to see why; Mars has the reins in the lunar chariot of Cancer, so our hyper-masculine fuckboi is applying the moon’s influence in our lives the way he applies everything - with brash force. The moon dominates our earthly experience more acutely than any other planet, which means we feel the effects of her transits in a literal, embodied fashion. Pay attention to her sign ingress for the clearest map of how each day might feel in a mundane sense.
MON 9.30 - 10.3 - Power, Communication, & an Effective Application of Force
Mars in Cancer: P.T.A. Mom Who Scares the Shit Out of Other P.T.A. Moms
Saturn in Pisces: Aging Professor of Existential Philosophy Drinks Too Much
Moon in Virgo: Intelligent, Prissy Environmental Studies Grad Student
Mercury in Libra: Non-binary Organizer of a Dating Service for Social Justice Warriors
Mars and Saturn formed a watery trine on Monday, which could indicate a couple different things. Initially, we could see a very disciplined, almost dogmatic application of power driven by emotions, but we might also read this as the water signs dampening any damage these malefics often incur, especially when they aspect each other. Empathy might win out over rage if we tap into the softer side of Cancer and Pisces.
The other aspect of note involves Mercury forming a conjunction with our sun, an action also known as a planetary cazimi. This Libra conjunction, so close to another Libra conjunction (the solar eclipse) is tossing subtlety out the window and practically screaming at us about the state of our relationships; to our partners, to our friends, possibly our collective humanity. Although community issues can be found more in the realm of Aquarius, that is exactly where Pluto has been pointing us for a year as he dipped in and out of Capricorn, so the struggles of the collective are about to get loud indeed.
A final thing to watch for is unexpected, exhaustive conversation; the kind that forces our relationships into startling clarity. Mercury in Libra simply can’t shut up about it! Many of us could be blinded with intense deep dives into things like the balance of emotional labor in our households at 9 a.m., when all we asked about was the whereabouts of the coffee grinder.
WED 10.2 - 10.21 - A Shadow in Our Relationships is Made Visible, Possible Chaos Ensues
Sun in Libra: Fair, Charismatic Boss Who Acts Like Everyone’s Friend, But Likely Isn’t
Moon in Libra: Non-binary Organizer of a Dating Service for Social Justice Warriors
Venus in Scorpio: Magnetic, Unnerving Occultist Obsessed With Your Deepest Secrets
This eclipse occurs on the axis of collectivism (Libra) v.s. individualism (Aries), and the south lunar node in Libra suggests we will be purging ourselves of unhelpful patterns and relationships. I can almost guarantee there will be break-ups and losses as people work out the meaning of their connections. We might decide to distance ourselves from friendships of convenience in an attempt to form more spiritually or politically aligned relationships, or we might uncover unsavory details that cause us to sever things. This eclipse is a slow beginning to a hard ending, so remain observant of the moon until it reaches fullness on October 17th, because that might be the moment that our relationship severance begins in earnest.
FRI 10.4 - 10.6: Intact Partnerships Mature Into Unbreakable, Long-Lasting Connections
Venus in Scorpio: Magnetic, Unnerving Occultist Obsessed With Your Deepest Secrets
Saturn in Pisces: Aged Professor of Existential Philosophy Who Drinks Too Much
Moon in Scorpio: Introverted Mortician Who Side Hustles as a Dominatrix
These two find unique emotional compatibility in a watery trine on Friday, deepening those relationships that survived, or will survive, the gauntlet of the Libra eclipse. Some partnerships will experience a profound maturation of love and trust, making this an excellent moment for connection, kinks, and taboo exploration. Anyone on the market could find themselves unexpectedly connecting with potential partners, possibly older and more powerful or statured than themselves. In either case, this is the best day to blow off steam and release some of the anxiety undoubtedly generated by all of this astrological and earthly fuckery.
SUN 10.6. - 10.7: Beware of Conversational Explosions and Violent Rhetoric
Mercury in Libra - Non-binary Organizer of a Dating Service for Social Justice Warriors
Mars in Cancer - P.T.A. Mom Who Scares the Shit Out of Other P.T.A. Moms
Moon in Scorpio: Introverted Mortician Who Side Hustles as a Dominatrix
We can probably deduce from the above descriptions how an argument between these planets will go; poorly, if not generative of actual physical destruction. Mercury and Mars form this square in cardinal signs, which guarantees elements of immaturity and impetuousness when we engage in verbal combat. Don’t try to hash anything out or have deep talks about interpersonal issues, because common ground will remain elusive with everyone yelling (or in some instances, maliciously whispering) over each other. Mars hates being in Cancer the way that a retired, seasoned combat veteran might hate being trapped at home with cats and babies all day - he is dying to see some action, to start a bar fight, and to punch somebody. Do not engage in verbal sparring or important negotiations today; we’ll likely say something we cannot take back.
Cool, what does the Tarot say about this?
Five of Wands reversed aligns with the clarity of our Mercury cazimi on Tuesday, 10.1., and a companion pull of sodalite showcases our need for rational discussion and detailed information downloads. Something has clicked, and more and more participants are engaging with one clear, powerful message.
On Wednesday, 10.2, Eight of Coins reminds us that mastery requires labor and dedication if we wish our efforts to result in security and progress. Amazonite is a strong facilitator of communication, and eclipse energy might engender laborious conversations as well as difficult physical tasks.
Eight of Wands reversed on Thursday, 10.3, indicates resistance; to action, progress, or persuasion. This resistance could cause frustrating delays, and a cleromancy pull of bloodstone hints at consequences like ill health or physical difficulties.
The Emperor reversed is the only major arcana involved this week, probably echoing the greater story of the eclipse axis of Aries and Libra. This card aligns with the sign of Aries, and a reversal can indicate the need to balance ego and aggression with more Libra-ish collectivism. Lapis lazuli is truth-telling stone, and it pairs with The Emperor reversed in a way that may reveal an authority figure’s true nature. As an umbrella card for everything happening this week, the Emperor reversed might also be hinting at revealed secrets of patriarchal institutions or structures, which is hardly surprising given the heft of Venus during our solar eclipse.
The Two of Wands show up on Saturday, 10.5, to remind us that all is not lost and there is someone in our lives with which we share ambition, desires, and dreams, as well as the moxie necessary to make it happen.
On Sunday, 10.6, Ten of Pentacles reversed has a deeper spin on the outbursts and angry conversations taking place, and it’s looking like finances and material security could be a big portion of this friction. Inheritance, traditions, and reversals of fortune could all be elements within family squabbles, as well as financial issues within other institutional frameworks. Two different rocks were pulled in association with this card; granite is a grounding stone of strength and abundance, and pink tourmaline is a heart chakra protector, so it’s looking like our feelings regarding this moment will be loud, however the situation shakes out.
Visit @alectochaos on IG for the full, wordy breakdown and video of each card pull, and to get the jump on the Mon - Wed card pulls. If you are into that sort of thing.