Astro Forecast 8.28.24: Revenge of the Femmes
Venus has been quietly powerful throughout 2024. This week, she moves into Libra and gets LOUD.
What is happening?!
We are coming off of some scary, busy astrology that had professionals like myself worrying about Uranian grid outages, earthquakes, tsunamis, and the like. Thankfully, the main disaster turned out to simply be our annual sacrifice to Poseidon, and now that our sexy sea god is sated we can relax. Sort of. As it has been through so much of 2024, Uranus had us on the run last week, dodging wires and avoiding open water like we had a case of New Age rabies. The rebel planet shifts course this week, though, pointing toward Venus as the celestial body to keep an eye on for the foreseeable months and years ahead. Indeed, she may have been the planet to watch for much of this century.
Venus gains power and traction through a series of transits to Uranus and Neptune this week before she steps out of restrictive Virgo and into her lush chariot of Libra. In a bit of cosmic reciprocity, Mercury finally turns direct right as Venus leaves their tidy, Virgoan house, indicating the possibility of loud conversations regarding all things Venusian; women’s issues, art, money, nature, and aesthetics. Expect more noise on topics that have been salient all year like climate change, trans rights, abortion, and economic inequality due to an increase in this primal, archetypal tension - the impact will hit our collective experience as well as our personal lives.
For a myriad of reasons, Western politics and culture have become stratified by gender; performative gender, rather, or the performance of a very rigid binary. One dominant through-line of the modern conservative movement seems to be threatened masculinity; the likes of J.D. Vance, Harrison Butker, and the Y-chromosome carriers of the odious Trump family are convinced that single, childless women are some sort of organized task force for emasculation, keeping men down and out, sexless and jobless, and generally miserable as a way to usher in some new world matriarchal order. This same corner of the world maintains that fecundity and tidiness are the litmus traits for true femininity, an attitude that underpins many of the arguments against reproductive rights, economic equality, and marriage equality - all topics ruled by the goddess planet herself. Conversely, progressive movements the world over are embracing a new assertiveness when it comes to what are traditionally thought of as ‘lady’ issues like environmental justice, abortion, healthcare, child care, and gun control.
The optics canyon that exists between these two global movements is itself undeniable - in the United States, the Democratic presidential nominee is a black woman (Libra) who spent her early years prosecuting sex crimes in San Francisco, and the Republican presidential nominee is a reality television star who spent his early years committing sex crimes in NYC. Naturally, he’s a Gemini.
Palpable moments of this brittle stratification have often mirrored Venus’ synodic cycle, most recently accelerating once she rose as the evening star in July. Her ascension occurred in creepy tandem with Kamala Harris’ own once President Biden became vulnerable to replacement, and Venus is also linked to Mercury’s current retrograde by virtue of their most recent conjunction in Virgo. We have Venus to thank, then, for the absolute beating J.D. Vance has taken publicly in regards to his former communications, as well as the current difficulties of the Trump/Vance party when it comes to speaking to women, about women, or anything having to do with women in general.
Now that Venus is entering Libra, matters under her rulership could experience more resonant transmission as new champions of fairness, creativity, and yes, ‘lady shit’ dominate our collective consciousness. At a granular level, love and relationships might hog center stage for many of us, and we should prepare for a kind of naughty inquisitiveness to replace stringent expectations in whatever area Venus occupies, chart-wise, as she exits the disciplined house of Virgo. Now that our sun has moved into Virgo, his brand of idyllic masculinity may be restrained and dissected at the same moment that Venus finds liberation, the former entering a moment of frustrated detention while the latter enjoys a long exhale as drudgery ends and freedom commences.
Why would this affect me?
Venus is Aphrodite. She is also Ishtar, Astarte, Bastet, Hathor, Oshun, and Freja - that is to say, whether you were a sheep herder in ancient Scandinavia or a pregnant peasant in Egypt, you shared a universal concept of the ‘divine feminine’ with every other culture since humans crawled out of the muck many millennia ago. Aphrodite, her predecessors, and her successors are usually identified with love, art, and beauty, i.e. concepts shunted to the sidelines of ‘lady shit’ since time immemorial. This makes sense when we consider how women existed in subjugation to men for much of human history - in Ancient Greece, they were confined to the home and banned from all civic and public life with the exception of a few publicly celebrated, seasonal rituals. The Roman Empire was hardly an improvement - once Aphrodite synchronized with Venus, she also became associated with value and currency, perhaps because women were viewed as objects that could add or detract from a man’s value, but possessed no intrinsic value themselves.
Fast forward several millennia and we can observe the progress of the Venus archetype in single women scooping up fancy degrees and 6 figure jobs, as well as leadership positions in culture and politics. The tension remains, however, stretched taut in the same way it was stretched thousands of years ago, as evidenced by our modern embrace of ancient arguments about gender roles. Venus has secured women’s right to be in public in many places, but not their right to their own bodies. She, with a helping hand from Mercury, has expanded access to creativity and beauty with inventions like the internet, but the tension between art and technology has only increased with our exploration of AI and the digitization of humanity’s cultural archives. The polarity between historically ‘masculine’ archetypes like tech, rationality, aloofness, labor, order, and hierarchy versus historically ‘feminine’ archetypes like leisure, relationships, aesthetics, and chaos is alive and well in 2024, which means Venus will remain a major player in this social and astrological paradigm shift that we all feel, but cannot yet name.
This week, we’ll be treated to fresh chapters in the book of Venus that build on a story she’s been telling for several years. A quick review of her recent major transits and the socio-political events with which they aligned can offer clarity about where she is headed next.
4.20.24 - Jupiter Conjoins Uranus in Taurus: This historic conjunction occurred in Venus’ feminine house of value, pleasure, and possessions, gassing up the engine of change when it comes to those very Venusian things that Taurus cares about like security and sensuality. Venus spoke through her brother Jupiter and telegraphed a need for broad change when it comes to resources and resource distribution, which bubbled up the collective cultural fountain through public conversations about childcare, healthcare, wealth inequality, and inflation. This transit also coincided with energized anti-war protests across college campuses in the West, largely in response to a U.S./Israeli war in Gaza that disproportionately claims the lives of women and children.
6.4.24/Venus Conjoins the sun in Gemini: Fresh off of hostess duties for Uranian breakthroughs, Venus burned up in Mercury’s chatty chariot and disappeared for a bit, thus obfuscating sensual, Venusian issues like nature, collaboration, and justice while elevating the ideals of technology, dissent, and rationality throughout June. (Climate change? What climate change?!) This would prove significant when Mercury hit their final retrograde of the year, channeling Venus’ opposition with a loud, overtly gendered culture war that was telegraphed to the masses by people like J.D. Vance.
8.7.24/Venus Conjoins Mercury in Retrograde: Venus became visible again in late July, and themes from her recent square to Uranus remain relevant thanks to Mercury, who continues to disseminate information on behalf of Venus’ cause. Though she is technically in her fall when trapped in the house of Virgo, Venus and Mercury worked together to re-examine the past. Archived public statements and all of their smug, casually misogynistic glory continue to haunt various public figures.
8.19.24/Venus Squares Jupiter and Opposes Uranus: A conflagration of harsh aspects turned the August full moon into a pivot point, and Venus was simply one part of a massive transition initiated by Uranus, yet again. Our political, cultural, and social tides continue to shift and separate to opposite shores as nations and their citizens polarize.
8.22.24/Venus Squares Mars: While Mars traveled through the last 10 degrees of Gemini, a house that encourages him to opine on his superiority and manliness at every opportunity, Venus sashayed through the last few degrees of Virgo, that place for type A personalities that often turns our goddess planet into a nit-picky depressive. This spiky square further hi-lighted archetypal girl v.s. boy tensions enmeshed in world events, community culture, and interpersonal relations, most obviously displayed in the tension and polarity between America’s two political parties and their respective conventions.
This week, Venus will continue her universe tour with stops at Neptune and Pluto, distant ice chunks that affect sweeping, generational change more tangibly than our faster moving, personal planets. As the song goes, it’s a man’s world…until it isn’t.
When do I have to deal with this?
TUES. 8.27 & WED 8.28 - CONFRONTATIONAL STYLE: A Sensual, Kinky Trine Between Venus and Uranus
Uranus in Taurus Qualities: Confident, Sensual, Unmovable, Fair-minded, Collective, Resolute
Venus in Virgo Qualities: Judgy, Petty, Perfectionist, Consequence Driven, Precise, Kind of a Drag
These two are wild when they get together - Venus fusses over personal aesthetics and Uranus demands collective rebellion, which often leads to piercings, tattoos, and statement-making hair and clothing, as well as an attraction to unique and disruptive social movements. This earthy trine brings a determined hedonism to their harmonious pairing, putting money and sex at the forefront of our brains even as we look to detach from the status quo, which makes controversial choices more attractive than usual. People (femmes and creatives, specifically) will be outspoken about bucking norms and traditions, maybe even making a bit of cash while they do so.
WED. 8.28 thru FRI. 8.30 - STALKER VIBES: Romantic Delusions and Drunk Poetry As Venus Opposes Neptune
Neptune in Pisces Qualities: Dreamy, Unrealistic, Poetic, Sensitive, Generous, Kind of a Flake
Venus in Virgo Qualities: Judgy, Petty, Perfectionist, Consequence Driven, Precise, Kind of a Drag
Here we will feel what fitness gurus refer to as dynamic tension - a magnetic energy between the opposing forces of idealism and realism that illustrates the chasm between what we think life should be like versus what our lives our actually like. In a personal sense, our relationships will feel the strain of this disparity and friction will arise; even stable, long-term partnerships might become unmoored. The moon is also in Cancer on this day, so don’t get too rattled if your partner keeps crying. Collectively, there could be tension between traditional, institutional versions of sexual relations and the muddier, transitional reality of modern gender. (Then again, what’s new?!) Neptune can also strengthen delusions of wealth or grandeur when he pairs with Venus, so maaaaybe leave all the credit cards at home before meeting up with a kinky date and arguing over bodily autonomy, and take any public announcements of financial market health or economic headwinds with a grain of salt.
THURS. 8.29.24 - Assholes Get What’s Coming To Them as Venus hops into Libra and Trines Powerful Pluto
Venus in Libra Qualities: Charismatic, Diplomatic, Desirable, Social, Compassionate, Vulnerable
Pluto in Aquarius Qualities: Idealistic, Far-seeing, Logical, Brutal, Visionary, Unstoppable
Released from Mercury’s discerning grip after leaving Virgo, Venus comes into her own powerful self when she enters her chariot of Libra and trines the god of the underworld. Pluto deals with generational movements, and Venus will always work to advance the cause of art, women, and justice, which indicates possible breakthroughs for gender equality and any simmering legal issues. This would also be an auspicious day to start a long term financial project or to commit to any kind of generational wealth building, given the Venusian proclivity for abundance and prosperity. As individuals moving through life, Venus in Libra lends us the quality of a good hair day multiplied by a thousand - outfits are on point, our small talk is unforced, and our creative output flourishes. Take advantage of a Venus in her element and utilize this time to bag a win for ‘lady shit’.
Cool, what does the Tarot say about this?
The current moment draws a lot of synchronicity between tarot and astrology - even this week’s cleromancy, i.e. the blind pulling of lots, or crystals, in this case, underscored Venusian themes. All the stones pulled were green or blue, hinting at a predominance of heart chakra (love) matters that lead into throat chakra (communication) matters, areas ruled by Venus and Mercury, respectively. Numerous swords illustrate a dominance of the air element astrologically, representing Venus in Libra as she dances with Pluto in Aquarius.
Yesterday, 8.26, Justice reversed illustrated a communal sense of unfairness regarding the legal system, money, and equality. The accompanying raw emerald indicates a desire for unity and fidelity that has been thwarted.
The 6 of Coins reversed shows imbalance when it comes to material matters on Tuesday, 8.27, but the presence of moss agate indicates that we are emotionally invested in whoever/whatever is the cause of disparity. Someone or something new and unique might entrance us, but there are strings attached.
On Wednesday, 8.28, Death wants us to transition to something newer and better, but we cannot do that until we accept the ending of an old, outdated paradigm. Amazonite is often referred to as a crystal of truth, hinting at the necessity of an honest, perhaps even brutal assessment. We can’t change things for the better if we aren’t being truthful about why things need to change.
The Queen of Rods reversed on Thursday, 8.29, showcases continue imbalance from the Venus/Neptune opposition - either we are being too pushy and aggressive, or we are not asserting ourselves confidently enough to achieve our desires, causing further friction. Bloodstone is an ancient crystal for grounding and physical well-being, so it may be most effective for us to highlight the practical benefits of our wishes and ideas in order to promote them. Play the long game today instead of gunning for easier, faster victories.
The King of Swords brings Pluto in Aquarius vibes on Friday, 8.30., ushering big, bold ideas into the public square. Logic and intelligence are not the sum of the human experience, however, and we need to temper the king’s analytical prowess with a more humanistic, embodied approach to progress - otherwise, his ideas will never gain traction. Moonstone is a crystal that reminds us to meet people where they are, not where we think they should be.
Saturday, 8.31 brings the 10 of Pentacles reversed and a companion pull of ruby zoisite, highlighting a strong possibility for the leveling of some tradition or previously unimpeachable standard. Seemingly ‘safe’ financial or material holdings may encounter peril, and individuals or institutions may experience unexpected loss. On Sunday, 9.1, The King of Swords pops up again to strong-arm others into his way of thinking, and people will become more amenable to his galaxy-brained suggestions the longer he jabbers about them. These ideas may be verbalized and amplified by others in the public square, lending them more credence than we gave them the first time around.
Visit @alectochaos on IG for the full, wordy breakdown and video of each card pull, and to get the jump on the Mon - Wed card pulls. If you are into that sort of thing.
I miss yours as well & all our life rants! I will email you soon so we can catch up soon! 🖤
Damn you’re good 😮💨