On November 13th, we will be operating beneath the first straightforward Scorpio new moon since 2022 - that is to say, the first Scorpio moon occurring outside the restriction of eclipse chaos. We’ll be riding right into massive transitional energy at the same time we endure a fraught Mars/Uranus opposition, and the moon itself will also be moving opposite Uranus, a planet infamous for breaking old systems and beliefs without regard for collateral damage. People will be feeling restless and combative thanks to all the Mars energy, and friction may ensue between the old, institutionalized way of doing things and the need to free ourselves from the oppression of tradition. Read both your sun and rising sign horoscopes for a more focussed look at how the new moon could affect Monday, as well as the remainder of Scorpio season.
ARIES/ARIES RISING (3.20.23 - 4.20.23)
The things you need to release, either by your own admission or by an honest examination of your current circumstance, will monopolize your focus for the rest of November. This electric moon is happening in your 8th house, Aries, which means things like death, money, sex, and secrets could experience some level of upheaval. Thankfully, Mars loves Aries just as much as he loves Scorpio, so none of the events coming up will take you by surprise, but some endings may hit differently than expected.
TAURUS/TAURUS RISING (4.20.23 - 5.21.23)
You may find yourself willing to cut ties over a perceived injustice, Taurus, burned bridges be damned. With this new moon hitting your 7th house of partnership and fairness, you’re seeing an older wound or communication habit with fresh eyes, and you might find it difficult to brush things off when they bother you. Sometimes it isn’t anyone’s fault when people grow apart and suddenly find themselves at odds over personal or social issues, so try to approach these influences with grace, even as you commit to eliminating them from your sphere.
GEMINI/GEMINI RISING (5.21.23 - 6.21.23)
Something needs to change regarding your routines and habits, Gemini, and this moon could challenge you to do it sooner rather than later. If you’ve been putting off a doctor visit, or dentist visit, or neglecting financial bookkeeping, don’t be surprised if something comes back to bite you in the ass. With the new moon hitting your 6th house of service and routines, the habits that aren’t serving you and any neglected administration of your day-to-day practical bullshit are going to throw up some red flags and demand that you address them.
CANCER/CANCER RISING (6.21.23 - 7.22.23)
The rest of the zodiac may be jealous of you, Cancer, since this moon brings transformation and movement to your 5th house of pleasure and charisma. You might find yourself revitalizing an old hobby or trying something that you’ve never tried before, or you might drop some activities that have started to piss you off. Conversely, some crabs could be looking to initiate a new phase of joy within a well-worn social framework, like morphing a close friendship into something romantic, or adding children to an established marriage. Use the power of Uranus to look at what brings you joy - there could be something out there that you’ve never even considered.
LEO/LEO RISING (7.22.23 - 8.23.23)
Your vibrant abode may ask for a fresh coat of paint, Leo, due to the new moon transiting your 4th house of family and home. It’s going to be tempting to get really wacky and paint your bathroom magenta, but remember that most of us have to share living spaces and the co-habitants may have different ideas - try not to let everyone get entrenched. If your need to update is more severe, relocation to a new part of town (or country) might start looking better and better, particularly if stressors in your current situation have become untenable.
VIRGO/VIRGO RISING (8.23.23 - 9.22.23)
Look, Virgo…as perfect as you try to be, sometimes the message gets lost in translation. There may be some friction when it comes to professional and personal communication that is no longer able to simmer beneath the surface of your interactions without eruption. If you, or the people you deal with on the daily have been suppressing irritation, there might be some arguments coming up that seem like they came out of nowhere. Keep it diplomatic and try not to condescend, but don’t rollover on anything important to you, either.
LIBRA/LIBRA RISING (9.22.23 - 10.23.23)
The Scorpio new moon is tackling your 2nd house of resources, Libra, and it aims to shower you with non-traditional possibilities, things you may previously have rejected out of hand that could actually be super helpful. Following popular ideas and social norms is natural and comfortable for Libra, but Scorpio wants you to get deeper and weirder. If the usual routes like bank loans and day jobs aren’t cutting it for your financial situation or are creating tension, maybe shake it up with a non-traditional side hustle.
SCORPIO/SCORPIO RISING (10.23.23 - 11.21.23)
This is your 1st house moment, Scorpio, and the intensity is triple-fold because, well, it’s you. You are recalibrating yourself, in a way; losing old goals and habits and striving to figure out what the next best version of you looks like. Excising the older, unhelpful parts of ourselves is painful, and in a shocking twist, people who were super committed to the old version of you may not dig Scorpio 2.0. They can have their opinions, but staying true to your regeneration is more important than keeping up appearances. Fuck the haters, and rise from the ashes like a phoenix.
The darker aspects of your philisophical, freewheeling nature may sabotage some of your outlook this week, Sagittarius, as the new moon hits your 12th house of spirituality. The void that yawns into space, and the big questions it provokes, will cause you to turn inward and contemplate your own deeper motivations. Do you feel like you have good reasons for getting out of bed every morning? Are you cultivating a sense of connection through your daily escapades, or just showing up and going through the motions? Answer these inquiries honestly, and be open to the idea of change.
Your beef this new moon is with certain ideas and community projects, Capricorn, as it moves through your 11th house of public works and collectivism. You may encounter a sticking point within volunteer work or some public directive, and it’s likely a divisive issue given how hot-headed people are going to be in response. The key is not to get all my-way-or-the-highway about things; remind everyone that we are in this together, and compromise is meant to benefit the needs of the many over the needs of the few. And you know how you get once your hackles are raised, Capricorn, so try not to elevate them in the first place or you'll be seething until November.
Reputation, both the public and private iteration, is on your mind for this new moon as it heads through your 10th house of recognition. Maybe you are wrestling with perceived underappreciation at work, or perhaps idle gossip has dealt you a blow with friends or extended family. Whatever the case, it’s important to take any preconceived notions that random people have about you with a hefty grain of salt - focus on achieving your goals, and the necessary steps to get there first, instead of useless chatter. You cannot post mortem yourself or your process before you even cross the finish line.
PISCES/PISCES RISING (2.19.24 - 3.21.24)
You might be gripped by an uncharacteristically adventurous zeal, Pisces, as our new moon in Scorpio transits your 9th house of philosophy and travel. While you are normally content to float in a watery, nebulous realm of your own beliefs, this week could see you reaching out to see what makes other people tick. Say yes to new experiences, even the ones that have scared you or made you uncomfortable in the past. You may open a new door to self-discovery or be reinvigorated to draw harder boundaries; either way, you will learn something new and maybe even shocking about yourself.