Gemini has Entered The Chat
Taurus season recalibrated our core beliefs and desires, and now Gemini has arrived to help us spread the word of our newly embodied selves.
What is happening?!
Gemini season is happening, my friends! Turn on the group chat, join a book club, start a podcast, and blog your thoughts for the world to see, because this is a season of information exchange and intellectual inquiry.
We are breaking free of the Taurus stellium from last week and entering a new phase, wherein we broadcast the inner truths that grabbed hold of us beginning with the eclipse on April 8th. From that occultation onward, we’ve been inundated with very intense, paradigm shifting astrology; a rare Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20th that turbo-charged revolutionary goals, a generative new moon in Taurus on May 8th that asked us to embody what we really want out of this life, and a prosperous, confident Jupiter cazimi on May 18th that has cleared the way for hopes and dreams to come true, no matter how batshit insane they may be. A full moon in Sagittarius joins the manifestation party this week on Thursday, May 23rd, shining a light on the ways we need to change if we truly wish to succeed.
This week, our sun, Venus, and Jupiter will move from Taurus to Gemini, which means the temptation of lazy days and couch habitation will likely give way to chatty energy and speedier synapses. Don’t misunderstand - this astrologer loves a week or three of indulgent sloth, and my ass hasn’t met a couch that it couldn’t get along with, but things get stuffy and vibes become turgid when we’re not challenging our bodies and brains to do much more than eat and sleep.
Gemini season quickens our thoughts and speech, thanks to the Twin’s planetary ruler, Mercury - Hermes, to all the ancient Greeks reading this. Fleet-footed Mercury is the dude with literal wings on his feet, which synchronizes nicely with the astronomical reality of the planet; Mercury takes only 88 days to completely orbit our sun.
It is this sort of spirit that infuses Gemini with quick wit, bubbly social skills, and the irritating habit of needing every side of every argument to be thoroughly parsed before making any sort of decision…on anything at all. (Every Gemini I have ever met was well-versed in the Yelp reviews of any establishment in which I showed interest. They are like an opinion dictionary.) Wherever Gemini lands in your chart, this is the area of life that will feel illuminated over the next 28 days, asking for extra attention and effort as we become energized for summer.
Why would this affect me?
Our desires during Taurus season pretty much amount to placing a chaise lounge in the middle of a flower field, draping ourselves upon it, and languidly eating ice cream whilst listening to a soundtrack of strictly slow jazz and Enya. We didn’t want to be bothered with anything other than dopamines and rest! This season was especially lugubrious, thanks to five important planets occupying Taurus all at once, or what we call a stellium in astro-nerd speak. With 3 of them shifting to Gemini this week, it follows that the places in our lives affected by said planets will go from being slow, sensual, and a tad hedonistic to swift, lively, airy, and cerebral. It breaks down like so:
Zodiacal Personalities (signs) - These are the places our planets move through for periods of time, and their profiles, as well as the environment they create, affect the planets’ demeanor as they influence our lives.
Taurus: A stubborn earth sign that is slow to anger and slow to forgive, but their hearts can always be won with food, music, rest, or a well-stuffed velvet couch
Gemini: Chatty Cathy busybody who ingests information like a lush imbibes wine at the open bar - able to see all sides and all possibilities, can succumb to absent-minded galaxy brain and take forever to draw conclusions
Planets/Bodies - Ancient astrologers believed visible planets to be the mouthpieces, or avatars, of the gods, and each one rules over different segments of the human experience
The Sun: Annoyingly perfect Apollo rules our idealized selves - the version of life that we are striving for but so rarely achieve
Jupiter: Zeus in spherical cosplay, this planet governs our luck, the way we make order of our world, prosperity, and social power
Venus: Sexy lady planet who rules Taurus and Libra, and thus rules everything that gives us pleasure in this life, i.e. money, love, and beauty
When we ponder the aforementioned descriptions, we can draw some conclusions about how Gemini season will treat us differently than Taurus season. The sun in Gemini will influence us to improve focus on the intellectual and information-driven parts of our lives; to strive for our ideal selves in a way that jives with mercurial knowledge. Jupiter in Gemini will require a lot more equity, data gathering, and robust discussion on our part in order to secure success and prosperity in any given endeavor. Venus in Gemini wants to hear (and possibly date) both sides, and when Mercury enters Gemini he will behave like a Matrix-style information highway, one that practically floods us with new ideas and perspectives.
This mutable, buzzy energy gets goosed into action by a full moon in Sagittarius on Thursday thanks to Jupiter himself. As The Archer’s ruler, Jupiter has dominion over this upcoming full moon; how the energy will manifest, as well as where in our lives it might show up. Big Zeus is cresting at the last degree of Taurus when this moon hits, and because Taurus is an earth sign, the full moon fallout will probably hit us in practical, embodied, and possibly financial ways (both Taurus and Jupiter are very concerned with security and prosperity.)
All of this mystical jibber-jabber adds up to a week of palpable transition; we will shift focus from the embodied and sensual aspects of life to more smarty-pants conversations and subjective, lofty goals. The bullshit we’ve been going through since April’s eclipse is going to shift from our internal reality to our external world, and we’re going to start loud conversations and broadcasts about everything we’ve learned. It’s a LOT.
When do I have to deal with this?
5.23.24 - Full moon in Sagittarius peaks today…psychotics and lycanthropes unite! This is a moon of information downloads that affect our physical and social security; not all of the information revealed will be reassuring or uplifting, but it will act as a catalyst for much needed change. Mutable, a.k.a. double-bodied signs could get hit with this most profoundly, but we might also see a collective information reveal from entities in the public sphere. Full moons are magnifiers and they tend to bring out really, really extra behavior, and if the Taurus new moon was intense for you, this might be part 2. Hydrate.
ALSO ON 5.23.24 - Venus and Jupiter form a trine in the last degree of Taurus, and almost immediately after, Venus says, “Peace out, Zeus, ya fuckin’ conformist,” and heads into Gemini. I’m getting the sense that we are concluding some Venusian story or situation in our minds that specifically involves ideas about security and the way our lives play out on Earth; how we make our money, how society tells us we should make our money, and the conclusions we’ve drawn up from the chasm between those two things. Venus in Gemini might want us to start talking more about the issues we’ve identified in such endeavors, perhaps as a way to catalyze change.
5.25.24 - It is now Jupiter’s turn to get his ass off the couch and tap in to the collective conversation! Jupiter in Gemini means that our path to prosperity and success may need to bifurcate, because while a bull is slow, steady, and directional, Gemini flits quickly from one place to the next, even straddling multiple roads at once. Contemplate diversifying your prosperity streams over the next year, and do not be afraid to traverse multiple avenues to success at once.
Cool, what does the Tarot say about this?
That Sun reversed on 5.21 was the epitome of Taurus in her last degrees - complacent, introverted, and just a bit lazy as the day progressed. On Tuesday, 5.22, sticky personal issues dominated our experience as we battled our boundaries and relationship expectations via the 10 of Cups reversed.
By Wednesday there was still some issue or suspicion that we were willfully ignoring, despite a susurrus of whispers on the community airwaves. The High Priestess reversed does not take kindly to being ignored! Issues that are ignored are issues that fester and rot.
This willful recalcitrance continues into Thursday, 5.23, and the Sagittarius full moon may be revealing a perspective or bit of information that crumbles some landscapes while giving triumphant rise to others. The 4 of Cups showcases stubborn, clingy Taurus energy as we grapple with paralysis; we’re not sure about the future of something, but we are also unhappy with the past, so we are tempted to do nothing at all. When we come face to face with The Tower, decisions upon which we may have been procrastinating will be made for us by circumstance.
Friday, 5.24, the 8 of Wands reversed continues a story of intransigence, but it becomes clear that we cannot be brutal in our attempts to jumpstart action. Compassion and connection will do more to get balls rolling than negative attacks.
When the 9 of Swords reversed shows up on Saturday, 5.25, we begin to catch glimpses of the way our paralysis has hobbled us, despite it being largely self-inflicted. Gemini is helping us to see around our own blind corners by showing us how many things can be true at once - we can be unfairly maligned by others as well as by our own psyches. We might not have control over our enemies, or even the bulk of the world at large, but we do have control over our own thoughts and reactions. How can we get ourselves to a more productive place?
That is the question we tackle on Sunday, 5.26 - how do we exercise dominion over ourselves in order to positively affect our environment, considering the rest of the world is such a shit show? What in our First House, the house of our personal essence, can evolve to be better-equipped for the challenges of 2024 and beyond?
Visit @alectochaos on IG for the full, wordy breakdown and video of each card pull. If you are into that sort of thing.
What else can we do to use this astrology?
Pay attention to Thursday and Saturday specifically - what is being revealed? It might initially feel wholly negative, but look for the bright spots once the disappointment/frustration/rage settles. The astrology hints at some long-term advantages to facing this last, shadowy bit of info, so how can we use this new information to improve our position?
Think back to April 8th, or peruse any planners or journals where you may have jotted things down. What has been happening in your life since then, and how have events affected your desires? Try to find a bread crumb trail through the bigger story being told between then and now, which has consistently been Venusian, meaning something belonging to the realms of security, love, art, beauty, and/or justice has been begging for a massive change.