Horoscopes for the January new moon in Capricorn
Dot the T's, cross the I's, and get to work already
The key words for this new moon are foundation and action - build it, fortify it, improve it. Several major planetary aspects will lengthen the duration of this particular lunar energy, so expect these vibes to affect us throughout January. Regardless of sign, this Saturn-ruled moon is asking us to discipline ourselves in anticipation of a wild year ahead and the possibility of new beginnings and growth spurts - but we won’t see anything sprout if we don’t correctly prep the soil.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (12/21 - 1/20)
Who are you, Capricorn? No, I mean, who are you, really? This is a question that may plague you throughout January, particularly for the Sea Goats among us that have surpassed their own expectations, closed a bunch of successful ventures, and/or are generally just sitting pretty and waiting for the next task list. (Let’s be fucking real, that accounts for 95% of the Capricorns walking this Earth. Y’all get what you want.) It’s good to think of next steps, of course, but constant movement without self-examination will starve the spirit. The ‘why’ of your unstoppable ambition is just as important as the ‘what’ that you achieve, perhaps more so, considering the speed and velocity with which you attain your desired results. Don’t back away from finding out who you honestly, truly are - it could drastically alter your approach.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (1/20 - 2/18)
Hopefully you got plenty of naps and relaxation during the holidays, because things are going to get intense for Water-Bearers starting in February. This moment, then, is for carefully crafting the on-ramp to all of your grand dreams, plans and ideas, which often means managing deep-seated fear and anxiety. People aren’t even sure that you have fear or anxiety, Aquarius, due to your masterful aloofness, but you do, and it is often the main barrier to success. Cosplay your fellow winter zodiac signs and try on a Piscean acceptance of stress and worry, while simultaneously managing your tasks with the brutality of Capricorn. It helps, and it is a skill you will need in 2024.
Pisces/Pisces Rising (2/18 - 3/19)
It makes a strange kind of sense that just when most of the population wants to retreat to a cozy cave away from the frigid world, bereft of celebration and sunlight, many Pisces begin to feel oddly rejuvenated. Confident, even. Ideas about the greater good and a desire to hash them out with friends and partners can be a fun thing, Pisces, so embrace this rare moment of desiring social connection. Say yes to party invites and group workshops, even if it feels uncomfortable - you have unique, valid ideas, dear fish, and they don’t need to remain confined in the dark ocean of your brain.
Aries/Aries Rising (3/20 - 4/20)
The past three months have been a real internal struggle for some of you Rams as you confront external notions about yourselves and the way you operate in the world. Acting first and thinking later, as Aries is wont to do, feels delicious in the moment but often shameful down the line, prompting anxious inquiries on blogs and advice columns to pinpoint who was the asshole in the situation. Instead of belaboring choices that you have already made, examine them as objectively as possible and course correct, if necessary, for future endeavors. The people you’re threatening with violence will be grateful for your introspection.Â
Taurus/Taurus Rising (4/20 - 5/21)
There has never been a better time to stretch out of your comfort zone, Taurus, and I realize that is a huge ask for someone who architects their entire existence to be one, big comfort zone. Even Earth signs need new trials and tribulations, lest they become as complacent, rigid, and boring as the rest of the zodiac likes to think they are. Plan a trip to somewhere weird, sign up for a class that you’ve always wanted to take but never felt you could justify, read a book that is wildly antithetical to your preferred genre - whatever it takes, make yourself intellectually uncomfortable this month. The revelations may astound you.
Gemini/Gemini Rising (5/21 - 6/21)
A profound transformation has been creeping up on you (or possibly a bonded partner of yours)Â for some time, Gemini, and this is the moment to decide how you want it to play out. The universe hates entropy and resistance is futile, so channel the deliberate energy of Capricorn and cut the cord of your ambivalence. If a loss is inevitable, how can you prepare to cushion the blow? Furthermore, is it truly a loss, or are you only focusing on the negatives? Endings make way for better beginnings more often than not.Â
Cancer/Cancer Rising (6/21 - 7/22)
In certain contexts, boring, rote, administrative bullshit can become thrilling and heartrending, especially if the company is sexy. For partnered Cancers, this moment is for doing the work to level up - searching for shared living space, shopping for an engagement ring, planning a wedding, or preparing for joint financials could all be on the table. For single Crabs, the next month or so is the ideal time to get out of the house and meet people, as a very practical and stable sort of love permeates the air. It could be yours for the taking - but you have to actively search, Cancer. That perfect someone isn’t going to fall in your lap while you sit on the couch.
Leo (7/21 - 8/23)
It’s possible that you’ve been delaying some very necessary physical and mental tune-ups in favor of more immediately gratifying things, Leo, and it’s time to pay the piper. If you make the dentist/doctor/tax advisor appointments now, you might avoid some painful consequences later on in the year. Now would also be a good time to revise any questionable habits you’ve acquired over the holidays so they don’t carry into the warmer months. Put down the smokeable, get to the gym, grab a smoothie, and channel your best Gwyneth Paltrow in Goop mode. Take heart - the nature of January means you’ll have lots of company.
Virgo (8/23 - 9/22)
In the confines of astrology, it is perfectly reasonable to wonder what the rest of the world would do without Virgo. Denizens of this industrious earth sign are often the only people crossing T’s, dotting I’s, triple checking schedules, and tying knots correctly, which is all well and good for the layabouts of the zodiac, but what about you, Virgo? Don’t you ever want to do something fun for yourself? For family-minded Virgos, expanding your brood is a distinct 2024 possibility, so use this Capricorn moon to plan something joyful - a shopping trip, a photo shoot, a makeover, whatever - as long as you have a monthly frivolity penciled in for the rest of the year.Â
Libra (9/22 - 10/23)
As the great diplomat of the zodiac, Libra, you sure do spend a huge amount of time at other people’s houses, listening to other people’s problems, and meeting other people’s needs - as a result, your own house is a bit attention starved. The new moon wants you to give more love to home base, so stay inside for a bit. Renovate. Decorate your bedroom. Spend the kind of time with your roommates and family that you normally spend at both the office and post-work watering holes. By focusing on the domestic, you are creating a soft landing for future hard nights out.Â
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (10/23 - 11/22)
You need to make more friends, Scorpio - and I know those are fighting words, but it’s true. A solitary scorpion is a dangerous scorpion because it gives you too much time alone, building up venom and waiting to strike the first available sucker. Join a mystery book club, volunteer at the morgue, or take a shibari class. Scheduled, friendly communication with others, even if it’s simply letter writing with a long distance acquaintance, goes a long way to improving your mental health and keeping you engaged with the rest of the world. And, no - thinking about poisoning people who dismay you does not count as engaging with the world. Nice try, though.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (11/22 - 12/21)
This moon would like Sagittarius to pause for a bit and think critically about resources. With all the fun of the holidays behind us, freewheeling centaurs probably need to rebuild the coffers, both physically and financially. Summer of 2024 is looking wild as hell, and we know Sagittarius is going to chase travel indulgences and new, expensive experiences to get through it. Do yourself a favor and look at that budgeting and planning now. Figure out if loans, temporary austerity, or side hustles would be prudent as a way to bank future fun - that way, the plans are already paid for and you won’t have to think about anything other than your destination.