Horoscopes for the New Moon in Aquarius
Uranus and Pluto are helping this moon to shake things up, so get ready to blaze trails, whether you like it or not.
The new moon in Aquarius is a big deal, in that it will unwind slowly from itself on February 9th, 2024 at 2:59 PST, and extend its tendrils throughout Earth and the collective cosmos over the next 20 or so years. Yes, that long. For all of us little individual humans, we will most strongly feel the personal effects of this Aquarian shake-up over the next 2 - 4 weeks, and we can expect echoes of this moment to pop up again in August of ‘24 with the Aquarius full moon.Â
This is because a new moon is a conjunction with our sun, and the two get so cozy in the sky that one obscures the other. The conjunction will ‘perfect’ on a certain day and time in the sky, but will typically imbue our realm with lasting effects for about 6 months, or until the next full moon in the same sign takes place. Hence, new moons occur in the same zodiac sign that our big, blustery orb is currently transiting, and right now that is the righteous, steadfast, innovative realm of Aquarius.Â
Aquarius on its face is intense enough; forthright, groundbreaking, and intellectual; The Water Bearer has zero problems sacrificing the desires of the few for the needs of the many, a concept that is gaining a lot of traction amongst the combined 90 percent of us getting utterly fucked by the remaining 10.
The spiky, modern planetary ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, is supercharging this moon with an electric square to the sun juuuuust before it conjuncts the moon, making the effects of typical Aquarian innovation exponential, like stepping on a mushroom in Super Mario Bros. and tripling in size. Not only that, but intense, shadowy Pluto also makes a conjunction to the moon on February 8th, and he is looking to burn shit down now that he, too, is transiting Aquarius, which makes Pluto the bouncy star of invincibility, I suppose. The resulting mushroom moon is laser focused on destroying the things that don’t work in order to clear the way for Uranus, and it may use Pluto to make it happen.
The short story is as follows - things are going to change whether we like it or not, and that change might include the absolute destruction of something we’ve grown comfortable with over time. Depending on the placement of Pluto in your natal chart, this upheaval and transformation may involve friends, lovers, a job, or a calling, and the only guarantee is that you won’t see it coming until it crashes into you. Unnerving? Yes, but Aquarius is always playing the long game and thinking big picture, so as annoying as it sounds, this chaos is necessary for improvement. We are rarely so alive and present, as we are when cataclysm strikes and demands we respond with unfettered honesty. Read your rising and sun sign to get the fullest picture of this necessary honesty in your life; how it may land, where it will land, and the transformation you can expect in its chaotic wake.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (1/20 - 2/18)
You can feel yourself pupating into a new form, Aquarius - one that has morphed from rigid ideation into something more malleable and better equipped for future reality instead of future illusion. It’s not that you are prone to fantasize, but you do dig your heels into the place where you want everyone else to meet you, as opposed to the place they are actually willing to meet. This compromise of ego for the common good, as well as for your own practical needs, is a new and uncertain realm for you, so give yourself some grace and sit in the cocoon for as long as you need. The new updated version of Aquarius that emerges might not pass your previous purity tests, but they will see a whole hell of a lot more results.Â
Pisces/Pisces Rising (2/18 - 3/19)
Now is the winter of your discontent, Pisces, but it is possible to turn toward glorious summer once you decide to be honest about your source (or sources) of sorrow. You have achieved a huge tone shift over the last 12 lunar cycles by thoroughly, if begrudgingly dealing with the external world. You’ve been taking the feedback, leaving your house, raising your hand in class, and spending slightly less time hiding under water in your bathtub, all of which warrants some gentle back-patting. Before you declare yourself perfected, however, you must turn an honest eye to your internal hang-ups. Circular negativity and some poor physical habits could have lasting consequences if they aren’t addressed now, so do yourself a favor and use this new moon as a mental and spiritual fresh start. We can’t let go of our shitty mentality if we can’t first admit to ourselves that self-defeatism might be our factory setting.
Aries/Aries Rising (3/20 - 4/20)
We all know, Aries, that you have no problem punching people in the face if they are antagonistic or hurtful, and those war-like vibes have certainly been making an appearance over the last 12 moon cycles. The issue to confront now is more subtle, i.e., who do you want to be around? What is the kind of company you wish to keep? The Ram feels most confident treating all situations as either black or white, but the nuances of friendships that have passed their sell by date are less comfortable, forcing Aries into grey area navigation. Prioritizing certain relationships and communities over others is going to be necessary in the near future as you begin to narrow focus, which means that others will inevitably be put aside. This moon is asking you to make a compassionate and honest assessment about what to let go, because everything has a season, my friend.Â
Taurus/Taurus Rising (4/20 - 5/21)
Unexpected quakes in the professional sphere have prompted a bit of a career autopsy for many Taureans, regardless of whether or not these shake-ups were beneficial or malign at the outset. Sudden open promotions can lead to self-doubt in much the same way that sudden layoffs do, and it’s natural to use external accomplishments and setbacks as a litmus test for success v.s. failure. (This is why the digital connectivity of the modern age is so problematic; we can see people boast of their success in real time while we ourselves may be enduring massive difficulty, trapping us in the mud of skewed self-perception.) To avoid turning this into mid-life crisis ‘light’, consult your internal desires honestly and see how they stack up to public expectations. So what if a school acquaintance became a tech millionaire? If you always wanted to work outside and you became a landscaper, that should be framed as a goal achieved, not a shortcoming. Stop letting career FOMO, along with social media disingenuity, dictate your level of happiness.Â
Gemini/Gemini Rising (5/21 - 6/21)
None of us are ever truly done learning, an axiom that goes double for air signs and triple for mutable signs, giving Gemini the top prize for ‘Eternal Student.’ The Twins normally flit about among various disciplines, getting the simple jist of things before quickly moving on, but something in the past year has inspired a desire to experience longevity through the deep dive of education. Get inspired by your fellow air signs and start thinking big picture when contemplating certifications, colleges, and work trainings by choosing the path with the greatest amount of benefits for all involved. It’s time to think expansively as opposed to quickly, Gemini, and to settle on an endeavor for a while instead of shuffling past to the next shiniest prize. Make room this new moon for whatever reflection allows you to commit, decisively, to your next major step without rushing past it, and it might just change the course of your life.
Cancer/Cancer Rising (6/21 - 7/22)
If family and relationships have been crappy lately, take heart knowing that you are not alone. Many of us are discovering all the ways that people we took for granted as allies actually suck, in that they take more than they give, withhold affection, or simply disappear after a time. These dark reveals may have been in the works for a while, or they might be totally unexpected, but your marching orders will be the same, dear Crab; see the truth for what it is and decide how to proceed. The new moon needs us to release things in order to attract better energy and improve our focus, so think long and hard about whether or not these people deserve to be in your life, as well as whether or not you can live without them. Endings do not have to be tragic - in fact, cutting interpersonal dead weight can be downright inspiring as long as you do it honestly and directly, which is the big challenge for Cancerian crabs. Do your best, sideways walking motherfuckers.Â
Leo/Leo Rising (7/21 - 8/23)
Some drastic change is coming down the relationship pipeline for Leos, and the subsequent upheaval could end up having a deep impact on your own self-image and future plans. Venus had a nice long transit in Leo this past summer that also included a retrograde, so you’ve had a good dose of self-focus and reflection as you reviewed past experiences, aesthetics, and ideals. With your own image and desires running smoothly post tuneup, Leo must pay some attention to close, meaningful relationships and the personalities involved. It may be that someone close has buried their thoughts and needs in order to frontload your own, but they are no longer capable of staying quiet or subsuming their desires. This will make any personal friction feel very out-of-the-blue, even if it really wasn’t, so it will help to remain unattached to your own perception of things, you spicy lion. Take a que from Aquarius and look at all sides of one big picture, instead of keeping your view through a teeny porthole of ego. If the people closest to you are asking for a change, then Leo needs to decide which changes are worth a compromise, and which ones are not.Â
Virgo/Virgo Rising (8/23 - 9/22)
Oh Virgo, you are eventually going to LOVE this moon, and not just because of the focus on improvements and updates. The Aquarius moon is beaming down on your most favorite house of daily systems, routines, and habits, and while you will eventually be thrilled, you will more immediately be angry and annoyed, because something could go completely sideways and force you to reinvent a large portion of personal framework. The change may be as jejune as changing a work schedule, devising a new commute, or cutting out extracurriculars due to time constraints, which means a more gentle reshuffling is needed. If something heavier involving physical health, wellness habits, or caregiver appointments arises, a deeper look at your systems and habits may be in order. It will suck at first because you loathe unexpected change, but whenever you get the opportunity to re-systematize your life, you come out on the other side happier and healthier.Â
Libra/Libra Rising (9/22 - 10/23)
Libras spend so much time worried about other people, group dynamics, and external vibes that they often lack anything in the tank to fuel their own creativity, pleasure, and self-worth. Compromise is great and the world could certainly do with more of it, but not you, Libra - you have compromised enough. The new moon in Aquarius might throw a wrench into your social life that requires you to cut the pushover act and refuse any half-measures and shallow overtures so that you can do what you want, not what you think other people want. Use this opportunity to find a new passion or revisit one you abandoned, to pursue frivolous endeavors that appeal to your Venusian sensibilities and no one else’s, or to simply sit, rest, and not socialize with the volume at 10. Do what you have to do during this new moon to kill the FOMO for good.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (10/23 - 11/22)
Focus on your home during this new moon, arachnids, as it may require cleaning, remodeling, refinancing, or re-arranging. (Any Scorpio with a spicy Pluto placement might find themselves doing all those things at once.) It’s likely that your home environment more typical takes a back seat to your schemes of world domination and day job as a dungeon master, but doesn’t our chosen nest say a lot about us as people? Pluto just moved into Aquarius, which means your shadowy ruler is ready to shake things up on the domestic front this month, and it’s something you may not see coming. Stay flexible when it comes to furniture, structure, and even location of your domicile, and make decisions that align with your personal ethos. After all, if you had a heart, your home is where it would live. Â
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (11/22 - 12/21)
Your daily landscape could be experiencing some upheaval, Sag, affecting the quick but heartfelt interactions with people in your neighborhood and at work. Some sort of activity or event will force you to find a new way of communicating with everyone - a lost phone on the part of a sibling or cousin, new text guidelines at the office, or a bevy of weird internal communication from the boss meant to put you on notice. Changing at the drop of a hat is rarely a problem for you, though - just maintain your natural flexibility and go with the flow…for now. Stay vigilant regarding the motive behind these changes, because innovation without deeper meaning or value is kind of pointless.Â
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (12/21 - 1/20)
This moon is suggesting that you bulletproof your income, Cap, because weird stuff is coming down the pipeline. Not only should you lock down your resources, but you should also consider every option, no matter how left-field it may seem, to boost your take home pay. Aquarius has no problem thinking waaay outside the box of possibilities, so use this moon to start on some of your own, stranger concepts for generating funding, whether that is dog-walking, crypto, or selling the little doilies on Etsy that you crochet as a nervous habit. The sky is the limit when it comes to non-traditional means of living, so open up your traditionalist eyes and get a piece of the weirdo action to build a buffer of resources. Be honest, Capricorn - you love it when any kind of hard work is rewarded.Â