Jupiter and Uranus Have Your Back
A rare conjunction between the planets of luck and upheaval will be laying the foundation for abundance this week. Don't let it go to waste.
What is happening?!
Hopefully, everybody with strong cardinal sign placements had time for several spa days, television binges, and pie eating to soothe the psychic wounds of our very impressive solar eclipse in Aries last week, because these skies are pausing for absolutely no one. This is the most exciting month of 2024 astrology, and it has been jam packed with rare planetary signatures that are unspooling in bedrooms, boardrooms, and the world stage simultaneously. In an exciting twist, this news isn’t all bad, so let’s dig in.
Eclipse hangover du siecle - Yes, this is still happening. The April 8th solar eclipse in Aries was a big fucking deal, (this eloquent turn of phrase brought to you by a certain octogenarian in charge of the free world) and we will feel repercussions over the summer and into autumn, when we graduate to the next phase of eclipse transformations. The Aries/Libra axis isn’t done with us because we have issues to rebalance regarding individual freedom and collective harmony, and one need only glance at the world outside to confirm this tension. Aries shadow effects have been observable in the rash decisions of world leaders and their trigger happy sycophants all season. There is nothing so perfectly Aries, so martial, so utterly vengeful and pissy as warfare with no measurable objective, long term plan, or exit strategy, and that is exactly what is happening in hotspots all over the globe. Messy transitions in our personal lives aren’t making things any easier, as we struggle through upheaval in relationships, careers, finances, and life goals. We will get through this, but relief will be neither easy nor immediate - transitions are only successful if we remain nimble and put in the work.
Mercury retrograde in Aries - We were gifted a reprieve from Hermes’ fuckery when he conjoined our sun and harmonized our communication channels last week, but finish up that sigh of relief; retrogrades become stickiest at the beginning and end of their commencement when the planet seems to ‘stop’ from the perspective of Earthlings. Coupled with our eclipse hangover, Mercury has the ability to do real damage at the close of this week, particularly in the areas of social media and finance. Expect weird things to be typed, texted, and uttered as our avatar of technology and information spins in a circle trying to figure out their life.
Jupiter and Uranus conjoin in Taurus - This conjunction is all over the internet for good reason - it is a rare celestial alignment, and the last time it occurred in Taurus was in 1941, the year the United States finally tagged in to WWII and cranked the ignition on a lucrative war machine; one whose engine purrs still, supplying the rest of the globe with all the money, resources, and death it could ever want.
This conjunction - a meeting of the minds between expansive, profligate Jupiter and restless, radical Uranus - is about attaining resources through unconventional means, expanding influence, and telling the status quo to go fuck itself. While this sort of attitude is normal for the ruling class, (because no one tells rich people what to do) it is uniquely, exceptionally freeing whenever the proletariat manage to catch a whiff of such entitlement.
Unexpected financial breakthroughs, windfalls, and paradigm shifts always follow this conjunction, even if it takes a few months - consider that the joining of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus occurred in June of 1941, and the U.S. entry into the war didn’t occur until December. Even then, the magnitude of our economic paradigm shift didn’t fully lock in until many months later, when women became integrated within the workforce and the weapons factories officially ripped the U.S. economy out of the muck of the Great Depression with a satisfying squelch. This astrological aspect plays a long, long game, and the guarantee we astrologers can put up is that the winner, and the results, will be something no one expected.
Why would this affect me?
People with risings or suns in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn aren’t even asking this question, because many are going through what I will diplomatically term ‘ life things’ right now that provide a simultaneous answer in the form of tears, screaming, or manic, performative joy. For the rest of us, the effect could be slight to non-existent; we might briefly experience the blip of an electronic banking error or a creepy anonymous text and go about our day. Some people, however, could come upon random-ass financial windfalls doing things like finding a winning lottery ticket discarded at the bus station. This transit always pops up in the most unexpected ways because of wild card Uranus and his penchant for breaking social norms.
Uranus/Caelus/Ouranos is a weird dude, mythologically speaking. He loved Gaia/Earth and became the sky to envelop and protect her, but locked up their kids when he didn’t like the look of them (though, to be fair, the Cyclops and the Hecatoncheires were probably a bit startling.) He was eventually overthrown by his understandably pissed off progeny and settled into his role as the infinite blue dome above humanity’s collective head. Astrologically, this modern planet retains his primordial need to innovate and expand through upheaval, like a country sky shot through with lightning.
When Uranus meets up with Zeus/Jupiter, he is infused with all the luck, ambition, and joie de vivre that exists naturally within his stormy grandson…so of course, they decide it’s time to start shit. Uranus hates the status quo, and he will do anything to change it - up to and including imprisoning his own children until he breeds better ones. Big purple Jupiter is down for anything as long as it involves flexing his impressive reach and making huge statements, so he is going to exponentially amplify Uranus’ ideas over the next twelve years or so after kickstarting the process this weekend.
Hellenistic astrology treats the zodiac signs as houses of the gods, and in this case, Jupiter and Uranus are teaming up for drinks and snacks in sensual, comfort-seeking Taurus. Taurus is a house of Venus, and as one might expect when it comes to Aphrodite, her house is artfully crammed with overstuffed velvet furniture, wine, and oil portraits. This is a house of luxury, art, women, and money, which means we can expect this event to spark upheaval in those areas of human culture - remember, one of the unexpected economic boons during WWII was women contributing to the GDP in ways previously available only to men, changing the entire dynamic of the U.S. economy. An argument could be made that the gains of the post-war ‘50’s made the cultural revolution of the ‘60’s possible, and the radical notion of equality and liberty for women and minorities is what sparked the ascent of people like Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and all the other atavistic, retrograde notions still walking on strong legs in 2024. Like Kevin Bacon and his 6 degrees of celebrity footsie, the consequences of that infamous conjunction in June of 1941 are closer to us than we thought…we only have to connect the decades like dots for a picture to emerge.
Once we start drawing, it cannot be overstated how long the effects of outer planet transits last. It takes Uranus 84 years to travel around the sun, and he can get quite a bit done in that timeframe. Be prepared for anything.
So where does that leave us? Most likely, a collective paradigm shift will lay down roots this year. The modern frameworks of money, art, and lady stuff could be dismantled and turned on their heads, but we may not see tangible results for decades. The inclusion of Uranus means that whatever we predict will be wrong, but a massive recalibration of the global economy seems likely, and Uranus’ penchant for electricity could indicate things like AI, cryptocurrency, and energy sectors being involved. Horny patriarch Jupiter wants everything to be bigger and objectified Venus would like everyone to get out of her house and recognize a woman’s worth, which points toward a showdown over gender equality in the near future.
Individually, we might feel a shift in our material resources, jobs, and marketable skills. Creatives could be inspired to make and fund art in new ways, considering this conjunction has coincided with massive artistic and scientific breakthroughs throughout history. Unique ideas that we dismissed in the past might resurface and ask us to breathe new life into them now that we’ve expanded our horizons. We may find ourselves newly comfortable with fringe concepts and radical approaches to life, and because Uranus loathes stagnancy, older relationships might suddenly be in need of upgrades.
When do I have to deal with this?
As previously stated, eclipse fallout will slowly dissipate until it revs up again in autumn of 2024, so we have some time to synchronize part 1 of the lessons imparted by the Aries/Libra axis. However! On Friday, 4.19, we’ll be treated to a mini-aspect when Mercury and Venus form a conjunction in Aries, and that means people might get a little spicy when it comes to relationships and communication. Mercury is still excavating our past, Venus is still angry, and they are duking it out in the house of Mars, so my sincere recommendation is to stay out of all DM’s this weekend. Even your own.
Saturday, 4.20 is happy discount weed day, so get to your local bud-tender early to take advantage of all the deals. Oh, and Jupiter will be perched on Uranus’ lap in Taurus, pulling a lever that will change the world as we know it, no big deal.
In all seriousness, this transformation is a marathon, not a sprint. Saturday will probably be just like every other day, but if we do anything, it should be to ask ourselves what we truly want. Even better, let Uranus ask us what we truly want. This planet is more than willing to shake the Earth upside down to break barriers and upgrade our human experience, so what would you do with your life if all restrictions were eliminated?
Cool, what does the Tarot say about this?
The tarot cards for this third week of April echo the celestial bodies in presenting a mixed bag - some days are bummers, some days less so, and the weekend might present us with an unexpected boon (or bust, for those of us saddled with a karmic deficit.)
Ennui takes center stage on Monday with the 4 of Cups and continues on Tuesday with a 6 of Wands reversed coupling The Hermit.
On Wednesday, we either get our shit together for real, or we gain understanding of the importance of seeming like our shit is together in order to convince certain gatekeepers of our credentials. The Hierophant’s lessons are definitely optional the older we get and the less fucks we give, but he is also a herald of Taurus season and our upcoming Taurean conjunction, which rewards hard work and maximum effort with material abundance.
The Ace of Swords shows up reversed on Thursday, which means we have an intellectual idea or grudge that we are dying to activate, but that will ultimately be thwarted. No worries - if something has to be shelved now, we might be able to revisit our goal in May.
Friday, the combination of a late-stage retrograde Mercury and a Knight of Wands reversed is setting us up for a tragic day for travel, communication, and creative progress, so this might be a nice time for boring, administrative stuff. Expect delays and confusion if you have a long trip that cannot be postponed.
Saturday is Taurus Day, and Taurus Day will be flush with resources, money, and security according to the 10 of Pills, so let’s play that jackpot contest. If anything, our winnings might take the sting out of yet another thwarted beginning on Sunday, when the Ace of Wands reversed tells us we aren’t ready to level up our passion project because it needs more work. It’s okay…we have years to reap the benefits of this weekend’s conjunction, and it’s looking like our old, confining cage is about to be blown right open.
Visit @alectochaos on IG for the full, wordy breakdown and video of each card pull. If you are into that sort of thing.
Thank you Lovely 🌹