The Bubbly Experiment of a Gemini Stellium
This week, five planets in Gemini are infusing us with energy, gossip, and data - almost enough to drive us crazy.
What is happening?!
Gemini, Gemini, Gemini, baby - prepare to feel infused with the loquacious energy of our most youthful air sign, who loves nothing more than to flit, whilst dangerously caffeinated, between multiple conversations, novels, and social media platforms.
No less than five celestial bodies will be transiting Gemini this week, energetically affecting our luck (Jupiter), relationships (Venus), communication (Mercury), daily routines (Luna), and our ideals and goals (Sol).
Our weekly timeline begins optimistically; May is finally behind us and we have fully embodied June, a month in which obligations like school and work tend to take a back seat to weekend road trips, gardening, and updating our wardrobe for higher temperatures and brighter skies. Even the grim, misty Pacific Northwest seems to be enjoying a dopamine boost as our heads clear a bit and various woodland creatures descend on our newly leafy neighborhoods - just yesterday, I had a quaint moment at the mailbox when both myself and the USPS fellow stood stock still and slack jawed while a teeny bunny and his mother bounced across the front yard in search of munch-able greens. It was - and I do not use this word often - adorable.
New luck and possibilities are in the air, infusing us with hopeful desire and something akin to zest. A new moon in the sign of The Twins will kick our appetite for connection into high gear on Thursday, presenting bountiful opportunity through new people, new ideas, and new conversations. We might be re-thinking our appearance, our creative hobbies, our social groups, and our professional goals with an eye toward some unique future; perhaps it wasn’t our original vision, but we are becoming excited about it nonetheless. As we creep toward the weekend, though, be prepared for some necessary ego dousing when Saturn adds his bummer of an opinion to the mix. We won’t be told no, per se, but we will be confronted by the harsh reality of our own idealized aspirations.
Our modern age presents a quandary; the sheer volume of accessible data is groundbreaking, but can be difficult to parse in any meaningful way, especially as we are assaulted by a twenty-four hour news cycle and social platforms that give any yahoo the means to broadcast their unhinged conspiracy theories. Discernment can make or break our success, and unfortunately, The Twins are terrible at discernment. Never forget that the house of Gemini is a young house, and in our youth, we tend toward blind optimism. We believe what people tell us if they sound even remotely knowledgeable, but often, what they tell us is total horseshit.
This means that by the end of the week, we might get some tough feedback, or run into a reasonable barrier to entry that we failed to take into account. We might have to temporarily pause a project, or an aspect of a project, because in classic Gemini fashion, we have bitten off more than we can chew. That’s okay! In fact, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, we need Saturn this week. We need him to tell us to slow down, to check the source material, and to make mature decisions. We can’t do everything we want, so Saturn is going to step in and force us to prioritize, like a grumpy octogenarian telling his grandkids that they don’t get to buy all the toys they like…they can only pick one. Make it a good one.
Why would this affect me?
Planetary stellium is a fancy phrase which means ‘three or more celestial bodies crowded into one zodiac sign’, and it happens fairly regularly with our speedier personal planets like Mercury and Venus, which is why our communication focus and creative/relationship focus is aligned more often than not. The real rockstar of this June stellium, and indeed of the May/Taurus stellium that preceded it, is Jupiter.
The giant guy with the red eye only changes signs every year or so, which makes the planetary alignments of May and June more powerful than your average stellium by immense orders of magnitude. Jupiter is Zeus, and Zeus has always been a big, bearded attention hog, so of course these last few astrological seasons have been intense and transformative. Like a certain felon we all know, Zeus does everything bigly, with only the best people, and always with an eye (a large, stormy one) on winning at all costs.
Jupiter is the reason this past Taurus season felt so extra Taurean. We moved more slowly, we savored our physical experiences, and we thought long and deep about how to build security and love in an insecure, unloving world. The shift was palpable last month when Jupiter charged into Gemini immediately after making a very rare aspect in Taurus with that weirdo, Uranus, and we transitioned from a deeply internal journey, during which many of us had to rethink our place in a capitalist, transactional world, to an externalized embodiment of our new perspective. In cranky layman’s terms, we had to figure out some earth sign shit like money, food, and housing, which maybe lead to some epiphanies about how we secure those things. Now, because of uncanny celestial timing, Jupiter is doing the very thing he did in Taurus, but in chipper, youthful Gemini, so naturally he wants everybody to hear about it.
This is an excellent week for new projects in the realms of education, information, and communication - any place ruled by Gemini’s landlord, Mercury. Join a bookclub, jump on a new platform, start a podcast, or crash a writer’s room; whatever gets the mind churning and the mouth moving. This is the moment to air out some of the ideas and concerns we’ve accrued since the transformative eclipse in April, as long as we’re okay hearing realistic feedback from friends, family, and colleagues. This is a season of opening…so open, already! Let revolutionary ideas about your ideal life see some daylight - talk about them, write about them, and engage in good faith debate. We won’t be able to usher every single dream across the finish line, but that has never been possible in a pragmatic, realistic world, so there’s no sense in letting that get us down now.
When do I have to deal with this?
TUES 6.4.24 - On this day, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter and encourages some of us to be extra pumped and zealous about whatever bug crawled up our ass this spring. When we are discerning with the information we’ve accessed, this kind of enthusiasm works in our favor, but it can also act as an obnoxious ego boost for bad actors. At their best, Hermes and Zeus are a fount of luck and knowledge, and their conjunction can herald groundbreaking research and ideas. At their worst, a conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter results in an amplified Dunning-Kreuger moment, giving idiots platforms that they haven’t earned and don’t deserve. Be on the lookout for both throughout the week.
Venus also conjoins the sun on this day, and because they are both in Gemini, our emphasis may be on creative projects or aspects of our appearance that we suddenly need to change or refresh. Do yourself a favor and download one of those apps where you can super impose different styles of hair or clothing on yourself before you take the plunge and get bangs or go platinum. Trust me on this.
THURS 6.6.24 - A very lucky, Jupiter boosted and Saturn reviewed new moon crests today. This is our chance to make new plans for the next 30 days, focusing on Mercury’s favorite stuff; education, communication, and local connections. Get outside, meet your neighbors, and talk to the mailman. You might spot a bunny.
SAT/SUN 6.8/6.9 - This weekend contains moments we may experience as friction or resentment; not in any permanent, goal-shattering way, but in a frustrating, unnecessary-additional-steps kind of way. Remember, this feedback is downloading directly from Saturn as he squares Venus on Saturday and the sun on Sunday, and though it may be irritating in the moment, it truly is necessary. Setbacks and critiques mature us and refine our approach, something we all need to experience when we are blinded by the unfocused hunger of Gemini. Absorb it and move on.
Cool, what does the Tarot say about this?
My tarot cards had plenty to say about this, because, like so many Geminis I know and love, they never shut the fuck up.
The giving and receiving of practical security took center stage on Monday, 6.3, with the 6 of Coins and some purpurite reminding us that true citizens of Earth must share their wealth with their fellow creatures if they expect resources to be shared with them in kind. On Tuesday, 6.4, the 2 of Swords reversed underscored the dark side of Mercury and his constant quest for information. Some information is accurate and useful, and some of it is not; it is up to us to separate the truth from the lies.
When we fail to discern good data from corrupt data we can fall into delusion, as cautioned by the King of Bottles reversed on 6.5. Brief detours from reality in order to soothe the soul are fine, but settling permanently in a fantasy world will only lead to more disappointment on the longer timeline.
Thursday, 6.6 brings us the vocal new moon and a confident, authoritative attitude, courtesy of The Emperor and a big chunk of sunstone. Don’t be afraid to broadcast aspirations, because helpful people may be listening. The sun and the moon are conjoined and rooting for us.
The Knight of Pentacles builds financial momentum for us on Friday, 6.7, and rainbow fluorite indicates a continued need for unapologetic, truthful communication if we want to make headway with money and other resources.
On Saturday, 6.8, the Ace of Swords reversed indicates that our brilliant ideas are…maybe not as brilliant as we thought? Or perhaps they are, but we need to work on a few missing pieces before we launch them, and so we must delay execution. This is Saturn working in tandem with the tarot, make no mistake. On Sunday, 6.9, the 6 of Pentacles reversed is reminding us of our Monday tarot lesson, making this weeks pulls an uncanny, divinatory ouroboros; the sharing of money and resources must be constant and reciprocal is we are to remain prosperous, happy citizens of this planet. This resource lesson was upright at the start of the week, indicating the need for us to share, but on Sunday the pentacles are reversed, indicating that we will be the ones asking for financial help. Karma may or may not be a cat, as the great T. Swift has asserted, but after this week I think we’ll all agree that karma is definitely, 100% a huge bitch.
Visit @alectochaos on IG for the full, wordy breakdown and video of each card pull, and to get the jump on the Mon - Wed card pulls. If you are into that sort of thing.