The Dangerous Emotional Intensity of March
March 10th kick starts a dynamic lunar cycle as Mars and Uranus form an aspect of upheaval and accidents, and the new moon in Pisces threatens to make us really, really upset about it all.

What is happening?!
It is early March, and as we reach the new moon pinnacle of Pisces season, people are growing increasingly emotional and restless. Astrologers, cartomancers, and others among us who make a living fulfilling the ‘wacky aunt’ trope have been warning everybody about the challenges Pluto in Aquarius may bring, and so far, the planets are not disappointing. In fact, Mars and Uranus will be using the upcoming weekend to compound the collective emotional reckoning and material upheaval that 2024 seems determined to bring us - hey you two ne’er do wells, welcome!
Multiple armed conflicts are cooking across the globe during an election year with consequences for the majority of humans on earth, regardless of the country that claims them as a citizen. We are in the middle of a sort of labor renaissance, one in which workers are beginning to demand more from the bloated ruling class that uses them as batteries, and social justice movements are growing, rather than diminishing, despite a coordinated effort by media conglomerates to quash public dissent and dissatisfaction. (Remember that Mercury is just coming off of their own square to Uranus, so tech and communication are still going through some shit.)
Individually, this moment can make us feel like downed power lines; full of restless energy that hints at danger, if only it were dealt with safely and productively. The billionaires are still out here blissfully billionaire-ing, and it seems to be infusing the rest of us, i.e., those of us choosing between paying rent or getting food, those of us working several jobs, and those of us who have had to monetize hobbies to live, with sizzling rage.
Dig a bit deeper behind bland, mainstream headlines and we uncover dissatisfaction with standard paradigms, useless platitudes, and our own impotence. It feels contagious, as though more and more of us are re-assessing our positions as sparking fuses in a thankless grid system and wondering why the hell we even bother, particularly when our output is used to create more misery. The idea that the bulk of our time here should be consumed by mindless make-work is being increasingly questioned in the public square, as are the beneficiaries of said work, and this is making people on all sides of the equation a little jumpy.
By the weekend of March 9th, we are going to feel pulled taught between our own vacillating mental states - on the shadow side, the Pisces new moon wants us to feel all the feelings and shed all the tears. This is an understandable reaction while living in a world experiencing the beginnings of a massive paradigm shift - one that slaughters over 9,000 kids in a couple months and tells us that it is ‘business as usual’. Global catastrophe aside, there is plenty of domestic and individual friction to navigate. If we have jobs, they suck and don’t pay enough for us to live. Those lucky enough to be paired often lack quality time with spouses, and the single among us are communicating, dating, and socializing at a dismal pace compared to the previous century. If we have a place to live, we are afraid to lose it, and if we have children, we are afraid of them dying by any number of things that kill them on a regular basis. For anyone who feels like vomiting and screaming, you’ll get no resistance from the rest of us.
On the light side of all this Piscean wallowing, though, are very workable, Aquarian ideas, and many people are using the conflicts of this moment to generate new energy, drive, and hope. We are synchronizing the things lost - partners, friends, jobs, security, peace, etc. - with the things we hope to embody, and coming up with a battle plan. The key to success will be time and patience; we’re going to want something to change immediately, but it just isn’t possible. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it didn’t fall in one, either - building a better life and a better world takes time.

Why would this affect me?
A Mars/Uranus square is something of a notorious aspect; even those with light astrological knowledge will head for the hills when they hear that hot head Mars is forming a 90 degree angle with the ancient shit-disturber that is Uranus. This is a powerful and unpredictable moment of energy due to the nature of old mythological archetypes - Mars wants action, moves before he thinks, and can often embody the explosive, red-tinted rage we associate with toddlers having a meltdown. The god of war doesn’t want to wait patiently, explain things, gather more forces, or eat his mashed peas…he wants to force change NOW, through violent means if necessary.
His great-grandfather Uranus is preoccupied with longer lasting results and weirder schemes, as he was responsible for the sky, the rain, the lightening, and the birth of the Titans. The archetype of this planet is about massive change and constant improvement through any means necessary, given that Ouranos repeatedly impregnated his wife, Rhea, but would then imprison his children in Tartarus if he was dissatisfied with their abilities and visage. Unintentional cruelty as a result of instant upheaval can also be a calling card of this hidden planet - the cruelty wasn’t the goal, mind you, just an unfortunate side effect of innovation.
So, when these intergenerational wackos form a hard aspect, as they will this weekend, we feel fired up and ready to commit to revolutionary thoughts and plans. Expect to be frustrated; to have ants in the pants about any number of things we want to see happen, but that we are not currently in the position to usher toward success. Mundane ways this might play out include seeking new opportunities or a new job, but remaining stuck at the old one due to contractual obligations. Perhaps we will have amazing creative ideas that we are dying to execute, but we lack the funds to see them through in a fully realized way, or we might meet someone with the capacity to fulfill us emotionally, but we cannot engage them until we completely disentangle ourselves from a past relationship. The temptation to do something immature and rash will be strong, but we will be best served by remaining in a state of uncomfortable restraint.
This frustration with the status quo and need for action will then be buffeted by watery, emotional Pisces when the new moon crests. As this is the last moon before chaotic, messy eclipse season, my recommendation is to manifest fluidity and a very Piscean, go-with-the-flow attitude, because that is the best weapon to combat the drama of the months ahead. Figure out what things are still present in your life that are unnecessary or unwanted, and try to embody a flexible grace when it comes to their elimination. If you are stuck in a job you hate, give minimal effort as you wait to find another. If exes, fair weather friends, and other unhelpful people stick around the periphery of your life, you know what? Let them! Just because some people refuse to take a hint or are determined to make themselves main characters doesn’t mean we have to dedicate a lick of emotional space to their cause. Manifest being mellow and supremely unbothered, at least on the outside, and bad actors will eventually seek their oxygen elsewhere.
When do I have to deal with this?
Friday, March 8th is when most people will start to feel restless and zingy, as Mars and Uranus close in on each other and the moon gets down to an increasingly skinny sliver. This is not a weekend to take chances, and I would be especially cautious during any group athleticism (Mars in Aquarius), mass gatherings, or anything involving electricity or important machinery (Uranus in Taurus). Saturday, March 9th will be when the square perfects, but the new moon in Pisces will drag destabilizing, Uranian effects all the way through next weekend. It may also behoove us to use caution in our practical and material lives, because Uranus in Taurus loves to create turmoil in financial markets and the healthcare sector, so don’t overspend or risk your physical health. On Sunday, March 10th, the new lunar cycle begins and all this Pisces energy could make overindulgence and fantasy difficult to resist, so use caution with reality-altering substances and situations. Escapism is fine in small doses, but lengthy benders will only make the crash landing in reality harder to bear, and this spring will present some hefty challenges. We are in a marathon, not a sprint. (Just don’t tell Mars that.)
Cool, what does the Tarot say about this?
The beginning of the week was fairly tame, as we emerged from an emotional malaise vis the 4 of Cups reversed, then aspired to a more mature and balanced approach thanks to the watery King of Cups.
Today, The Moon reveals a duality that we must face and name if we wish to see practical change, and we might finally see the whole picture of some fraught situation clearly. It may be new information coming to light, or perhaps some emotional intuition that sparks a change in mindset, but something shadowy slithers into our periphery.
By Friday, an internal wrestling match begins; we vehemently want change for the better in some kind of stagnant situation, but we are disillusioned with our current resources and abilities. The 8 of Vessels shows us becoming more amenable to unique notions and fringe solutions, as well as drastic steps that we may not have previously entertained.
The Ace of Cups guides us to a new solution, a new emotion, and a new way of connecting with the world, and the Mars/Uranus square on Saturday will infuse us with a reckless desire to act on it, consequences be damned.
By Sunday, there could be some acknowledgement of the impossibility of immediate action, especially if we think we can do everything ourselves. The 10 of Cigarettes reversed shows us that we will drown if we jump the gun before amassing resources and involving other like-minded souls. So don’t smoke all those cigarettes alone…share the pack and commiserate with others.
Visit @alectochaos on IG for the full, wordy breakdown of each card. If you are into that sort of thing.
The Pisces archetype is well known by now; watery, colorful, and compassionate fish on their best days and disconnected, indulgent, saturnine deep sea creatures on their worst, who often embody all these qualities at once, mutable, double-sided weirdos that they are. As a way to manage this weekend of heightened emotions, I will be debuting a new, 3 card spread for readings this Saturday at Ghost Gallery that focuses specifically on Piscean elements of release - identifying what we need to start excising or replacing, and the actions we need to take in order to see it happen. The gallery is also debuting new, dreamy paintings and sculptures by local treasure Carmen Cano, whose gauzy work depicts the intersection of fantasy, nature, and feminine archetypes. Like Pisces, her paintings are cautionary fairytales, full of wispy beauty, sad secrets, and eccentric potential. Her show is running through April, but you can catch the debut and get your Pisces reading on 3.9.24 from 12 - 7pm, or email me directly if you want to schedule a local reading.