In the spirit of doling out good news first, we can expect this week to feel lighter and more productive as it inches toward the weekend and further away from today's weirdo full moon in Aquarius. Unfortunately, the next 48 hours are looking rather combative.
Another astrologer I follow likened the vibes of this week to getting called into the principal's office, and it is an apt analogy. There is a disciplinary element to both our external interactions and our internal monologue, resulting in feelings of inadequacy and defeat, and in some instances a bratty, defiant kind of rage. Little verbal barbs might seem to come out of nowhere from family, friends, and associates, and they can land in a personal way - even if that isn't the intent. But we are going to take it personally, because this Saturn/Uranus-ruled moon is asking us to examine our relationships for signs of imbalance and to ultimately tighten our boundaries. We may emerge from this week with new restrictions on certain people, perhaps abandoning our efforts with them altogether, as we get closer to solving a major problem or reaching an important goal.
The Aquarius full moon is going to heighten tension between personal needs and public discipline, and this could hit in any number of ways depending on where Aquarius and his planetary rulers show up on our individual natal charts. A new clarity regarding people's intentions, and the systems they utilize to enact such intentions, will descend on us. We can use this moment to gain a greater understanding of our current focus and the people surrounding us, allowing for a Uranus-style update to our current strategy for navigating 2023 life.
Saucy minx Venus and our giant sun are both in Leo, which has enormous ME energy. Me, me, ME, the lion dramatically roars. Conversely, today's full moon is in Aquarius, which is fully opposite Leo and has big US energy. Both signs are fixed and stubborn as hell. This already energizes people for a showdown between the personal and the collective, which can naturally lead to feelings of having to restrict desire in order to find success within a rules-based system. This sensation of being 'checked' or smacked down will seem more extreme thanks to Aquarian ruler Saturn retrograding in Pisces, meaning this full moon will demand a review of facts or rules we either missed or have flouted in the past. (See? It is like being hauled into the principal's office.)
Complicating things further is a T-square between the sun, moon, and Jupiter. T-squares happen when two planets are in opposition and a third, shit-disturbing planet decides to form a square with both of them, creating a very pretty, argumentative trio*. Jupiter, ever the charismatic blowhard, amplifies anything and everything he touches, and he's currently in another ME sign, Taurus. So these three fixed sign egotists - Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus - will be forcing us to refine our strategy when it comes to securing wealth, relationships, and meaning in our lives, and they probably aren't going to be nice about it.
*If another planet were transiting Scorpio and decided to join this week's T-square fun it would be what astrologers call a fixed Grand Cross, and trust me, those suck unwashed royal ass. Even more than a T-square. So if this week is hard, let's console ourselves with the notion that it could have been far worse.
Today, 8.1.23, is the spicy day for restriction and discipline to smack us over the head, as the Aquarius supermoon reaches peak around mid-day and shoots daggers at the Leo sun for being an egotistical navel-gazer. Jupiter in Taurus is also rounding on the exact 90 degree square to the sun and moon today, and those effects will linger until August 6 (though they will slowly wane as the week unfolds and the moon moves on to gentle Pisces.)
The Hierophant reversed aligns harrowingly with the astrology on Tuesday, joining the Aquarius moon to remind us that rules are rules and sometimes it isn't all about what we want, but what can be achieved for the collective. Gnarly vibes continue on Wednesday with a laser focus on our feelings of self-loathing, causing our judgement to cloud and our viewpoint to veer into dystopian fantasy, which in turn encourages procrastination and stasis on Thursday as we struggle with confidence. Friday is a nice bright spot of renewed creativity after we end the pity party of previous days, but we will need to check our reactions to criticism on Saturday as the Leo moon tempts us toward unearned confidence and immaturity. On Sunday, we might finally see a victory after all of the frustrating course correction of the week, and Monday will be a continuation of our choice with personal desires that clash with collective necessity - but by then, we will have gained the clarity and perspective we needed to make a thoughtful compromise between the two.
Thank you to everyone who has been following the daily readings on our stories at RitualPNW on IG and YouTube channel at http://youtube.com/@alectochaos