Weekly Woo-Woo Wrap-Up 6.21.24
Neptune brought us delusions of grandeur, polarizing geo-political conversations, dead people who weren't really dead, and general exclamations of "What the fuck?!" Also, it's Cancer season!
What Has Happened So Far?
The changing of several planets from Gemini to Cancer has left everyone a bit wobbly, as astrological transitions tend to do. This unsteadiness has shown up all over the week with headlines that have been quickly retracted, sustained PR disasters at major publications, and weird, crotchety exchanges between global leaders who should really, truly know better. I spoke on Monday about Neptune’s shadow side and his tendency to heighten emotional angst and sink us into delusion, which inevitably leads to capital M Mess as some people push fantasy and others fight against it. Monday through Thursday was still very Gemini-dominant, which ensured a public dissection of the pettiness and mixed messaging swirling about.
Vulnerable, sensitive Cancer season washed ashore beginning this past Monday, but our sun didn’t hop on the water sign bandwagon until Thursday. Additionally, the double-whammy liquid element of a Monday moon in Scorpio probably ripped everyone’s heart out of their body and stuck it to their sleeves with crazy glue, and these big feelings may have influenced some of the more radical speech we observed later in the week. Metaphorically, we have spent the last few days trying to navigate choppy, irrational waters (Cancer) with a motorboat that is only equipped for very specific weather conditions (Gemini), and we were doing it with a sketchy unreliable compass (Neptune).
Let’s see who succumbed to what!
6.20.24 - Mutable Square Paranoia Day
This was the aspect splashing most of the week with it’s scatterbrained, delusional wake, and some of us were feeling it almost immediately on Monday when the movement of Mercury and Venus into Cancer boosted the volume of emotional reactions to 7 million HZ. By Thursday, the square between Neptune in Pisces and our sun in the final degrees of Gemini was perfecting and making people look awfully crazy.
World leader releases pissy, Cancerian video
Like a besmirched Tin Tok influencer, Benjamin Netanyahu decided that the best response to people saying mean things about him would be to post a video baselessly accusing his friends of *checks notes* being mean to him by withholding their promised love and affection in the form of endless weaponry. Political stance notwithstanding, this is such a classic, Gemini/Cancer cusp move! Gemini wants to tell everyone about everything and can boil even the deepest, most treacherous subjects down to spirited discourse, but Cancer usually takes a pass on anything so logical and straightforward. Crabs move sideways, and so do their zodiacal counterparts; this is a sign that loves passive aggression more than anything in the world.
Instead of calling a meeting, or working through diplomats, Netanyahu chose to telegraph his dissatisfaction with America to the entire world in a showy bid for support to continue his brutal endeavors, i.e., a play on projected sympathy. This aligns with our emotional needs overtaking our earthly desires (Venus) and our communication style (Mercury) when the aforementioned planets entered the zodiac’s most tearful homebody on Monday. It’s looking like he miscalculated the effect of his Neptunian ploy, considering all of the statements out of the American administration claiming they have no idea what this delusional jackass is talking about. Guys, just start the reality show already and call it, “The Real Housewives of the G7” - I, for one, would watch the shit out of a drunk Bibi lobbing insults at Emanuel Macron over appetizers while Giorgia Meloni sips chardonnay and suns herself like a bored lizard. The pilot episode could end with Joe Biden plunging face first into a frosted cake, then nonchalantly lifting his buttered cranium as he assures everyone he was just “trying to lighten the mood”.
Shots fired from the tower of dogma and Neptunian delusion cause passionate debate
The clown car continued on Thursday when a governor in Louisiana signed a bill to require a display of Christian religious doctrine in public schools, setting off various internet shitstorms and causing at least one Louisiana lawmaker to put her fightin’ makeup on. The paranoia fueling this debate from all sides is beaming directly from secretive, paranoid Poseidon as he distorts reality and dredges up shadowy pieces of our own flawed humanity - even the various factions of Christianity disagree on which version of the 10 commandments is most holy, which lent an amusing spiciness to internet discourse.
The tarot pull for 6.20 was the 5 of Wands, which correctly identified passionate disagreements and misaligned values as the key drivers of action on Thursday. Indeed, mere hours after this legislation became law, the ACLU filed what is sure to be the first of many legal challenges to such blatantly anti-democratic plotting. A simplistic summary probably works best here - like the suit of Wands itself, this issue has people fired up.
Obfuscation of facts and a distortion of truth that does Neptune proud
The world spent Tuesday believing Noam Chomsky to be dead, and before think pieces disguised as obituaries could see the light of day, his wife on Tuesday had to bitchslap the MSM and ask them to kindly stop spreading false rumors of her husband’s demise. What happened? Only everything at which Neptune excels - illusion, deception, and a tendency to grasp at unsubstantiated data because it confirms some emotion within ourselves. This particular deception originated online and spread like wildfire, like so many other damaging lies. On the upside, Noam Chomsky is still alive. I think?
Weekend Activities
The summer solstice marks the halfway point of our agricultural year and was celebrated with vim and vigor by various ancient societies utilizing fire, sacrifice, feasts, dancing, and more fire, depending on your geographical base of operations. For modern people, it represents a nice moment to check in with our progress - have we achieved any momentum when it comes to goals set earlier in the year? If we feel as though we are lagging, taking stock and course correcting our process can happen most easily right now, before many of us are caught up in the summertime lazies. If we lose track of purposeful time, before we know it, Christmas music is being piped into our ear canals and we are still miles away from progress.
This evening’s full moon in Capricorn is an ideal moment of reassessment; Capricorn will gladly provide a working spreadsheet to anyone that needs more structure and discipline to reach their goals, but The Sea Goat also needs honest specificity to make dreams come true. We gain real insight into our successes and failures when we look at them as objectively as possible, so be honest - where have we fallen short thus far? What routines should we implement in order to get traction before autumn rolls around? Were these goals realistic, or do they need to be altered?
Ritual for manifestation looks different to every individual, and while I often lean on sigils and fire (it’s the chaos mage in me), there are a couple useful crystals that speak specifically to the changing of our season from spring to summer and Gemini to Cancer. Even taking the view of crystals as dumb rocks, they add a layer of intention to the spaces where we live and eat and work, and sometimes just glancing at a sparkly amethyst is enough to bring someone back from the edge of anxiety. It sounds stupid but I’ve seen it happen!
Moonstone can regulate some of the more extreme fluctuations in mood that Cancer season brings, as can rose quartz. Personally, I have a hard time focusing during this transition and my routines tend to slide into non-existence, so I’m keeping tiger’s eye and citrine on the desk where I write, in hopes that they will metaphysically beat me into productivity when I’d rather be laying in a sunbeam with my cats.
I like to keep my crystals in a copper bowl when I’m not actively using them, ensuring they are recharged and cleansed, but it’s also very easy to make a little crystal grid with a tray or hand mirror that, if nothing else, reminds us every time we look at it that we are supposed to be focusing on achieving our desires, not dicking around with a catnip mouse. Depending on your goals, and well as which planet might be most helpful in achieving them, you can use a little paint or dry erase maker to draw your chosen planetary glyph and set your crystals on specific points, giving both yourself and your rocks some directionality. I chose the triple moon grid for Cancer season as a reminder to ride the tides of my achievements instead of becoming unmoored when my expectations aren’t met, but if, say, you are trying to improve communication or land a job in media, you could align your crystals on a glyph of Mercury.
If nothing else, you can have fun explaining your artful rocks to company when, mid dinner party, someone knocks their elbow against a jagged, all-knowing quartz chunk. If they break it, just tell them it was a family diamond and they need to supply you with a new one.
Thank you 🌹🖤